Miravue supports new sunscreen regulations

The US regulator Food and Drug Administration has announced new rules for sunscreen labels. Under these new rules sunscreens  will carry a “broad spectrum” label to show they offer some protection against ultraviolet A radiation (UVA ) as well as ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation .

Though the US administration is taking steps to rectify the situation, it remains unclear in the UK, where  sunscreen bottles only show Sun Protection Factor (SPF), which only blocks UVB rays.

There are two types of ultraviolet (UV) light that could harm our skin — UVA and UVB. A broad-spectrum, or full-spectrum, sunscreen is designed to protect us from both. 

UVA rays can penetrate deeply into our skin and suppress our immune system. This increases the risk of wrinkling and age spots. UVB rays can burn our skin. Too much exposure to both UVA and UVB rays raises the risk of skin tumours, including a form of cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. The best sunscreens, now prescribed by the FDA, would offer protection from all UV light. 

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We miss the Olympics!

olympic-torch for siteThe Olympics has brought us the greatest sporting moments of 2012, showcasing our incredible British Olympians – Especially Hounslow local Mo Farah who shook the world by taking Gold in both 5,000 and 10,000 meter race.

In the build-up to the greatest sporting event of the Millenium Miravue Skin Clinic cheered on the Olympic flame as it passed through Southall and Ealing.

Support for the Olympics has been huge all over the UK and Southall was no different, with thousands of people spilling out into the roads to watch the passage of the flame.

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skin check up

Public unable to recognise signs of skin cancer

skin check upA recent study by Nuffield Health has found that half of the British public do not believe they are at risk of skin cancer, with over a third saying they did not know how to identify the symptoms. 

Although everyone has heard the warnings about the link between sunburn and skin cancer, a third of people admit to getting burnt at least once a year and, even more shockingly, nearly a quarter of parents let their child get sunburnt at least once a year as well. This is particularly worrying as most skin damage from UV exposure occurs before the age of twenty and can take up to thirty years to manifest.

Perhaps because the British climate is stereotypically cloudy and rainy, people in this country are more complacent than elsewhere. However the NHS advises people to wear sunscreen every day, and reapply regularly, regardless of the weather or season.

A minimum sun screen factor of 30 is recommended. And remember everyone can get sunburnt, whether fair skinned or dark.

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keith lemon the film poster

Keith Lemon’s new film: Starring Miravue Skin Clinic!

Keith Lemon: The Film premieres on Friday 24th August and features several scenes shot right here at Miravue Skin Clinic. Earlier this year our clinic was taken over by Keith Lemon (Leigh Francis) and his entourage, including the glamorous Gracie Lewis, as well as the entire filming crew to shoot scenes in our modern treatment rooms. The film-crew needed a high-end hospital treatment room to shoot the hilarious scene in and we were more than happy to help out. We can’t reveal what the treatment was, so you’ll have to find out on the 24th! Keith Lemon is well known for his entertaining antics, with award-winning shows like Celebrity Juice, and the film will be no different, promising some […]

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dermal layers

Enhance Skin Elasticity & Look Younger

Poor elasticity in ageing skin can lead to lines, wrinkles and sagging. Thankfully, advances in skincare and new treatments can slow this down.

Skin elasticity is the skin’s ability to stretch and then return to its normal state afterwards. Like wrinkles and grey hair, reduced skin elasticity is a fact of aging for most people.  

In order to test the elasticity of your skin pinch the skin of your cheek and pull it softly. Then wait to see how quickly it returns to its normal position. You will see that in younger people the skin returns to its normal state very quickly, because a young person’s skin has more elasticity. As you get older it will take longer and longer for your skin to “ping” back into place.

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How to Keep Your Children Safe in the Sun

With the summer sun finally shining, more and more families are heading for the beach or spending more time outdoors. But while spending time in fresh air and sunshine is great for both children and adults, it’s important to take precautions to prevent damage to the skin. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause both painful sunburns and lasting damage. This damage can take the form of lines and wrinkles, known as photoageing. Even more seriously, prolonged unprotected exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.

Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. Over 70,000 new cases are reported every year, according to the British Association of Dermatologists. Although skin cancer is rare in children, the prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays that causes skin cancer starts in childhood, with the majority of skin damage from UV happening before we turn 20. Preventing overexposure to the sun in children is particularly important, firstly because children usually lack the foresight to protect themselves and secondly because a child’s delicate skin is especially vulnerable to damage from the sun’s rays. 

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Laser hair removal can’t treat dark skin?

A recent news story has caused a stir among readers, particularly among those who make use of laser hair removal treatments. The story in question is concerned with the case of a black woman who was refused laser hair removal treatment at a Bristol-based beauty salon, on the grounds of her skin colour.

According to the salon manager, the decision not to treat this particular client was not based on her skin colour, but rather on her skin type. The laser hair removal treatments offered at this clinic use IPL (Intense Pulse Light) laser technology, which is not suitable for certain skin types, including Afro–Caribbean skin and other dark skin types. It is claimed that the use of IPL laser treatments on these skin types may cause severe burning to the skin, as heavily pigmented skin absorbs more energy from the laser equipment, therefore resulting in skin damage.

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Un-even skin tone: Creams vs Treatments

iStock 000019210653XSmallWe already know that un-even skin tone has been scientifically proven to make someone appear older, but what you might not know is, not all treatments are equal when it comes to un-even skin tone.

Un-even skin tone creams

There are some new creams on the market that do a great job of concealing un-even skin tone, but it is important to understand that they are superficial – just like any make-up – and won’t be dealing with the underlying issues.

Even the best skin creams can only act on the surface layer of the skin (the epidermis). The problem with this is that most of the pigmentation which causes un-even skin tone is in the deeper layers of the skin.

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Are light bulbs damaging your skin?

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Scientists have shown that some energy saving lightbulbs leak UV radiation that can damage your skin.

Energy saving light bulbs are great for saving energy and cutting power bills so it’s a win-win situation, right? 

It’s not necessarily so; scientists in Europe and the US have carried out research into the potentially harmful effects of energy-saving light bulbs, or compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) to give them their proper name. The upshot from both studies is that this type of bulb may be harmful to human skin in certain conditions, due to UV radiation “leaking” out of the bulbs.

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Get rid of your hairy back

There are women who prefer men with hairy chests, and there are others who prefer their guys to be smooth, but if there’s one thing that unites almost all of them it’s that hair does not belong on the back. As well as being unsightly, a hairy back can make you look prematurely old.

Some women even see it as looking dirty or unhygienic. And indeed it is true that back hair can trap sweat, increasing body odour as well as making you feel uncomfortable, hot and prickly.

Why has hair started growing on my back?

It’s a sad fact of life that men get hairier as they age, with back hair often starting to appear in the mid-twenties and get worse from then onwards. This is due to increased sensitivity to, or levels of, hormones like testosterone , and in many cases there is a genetic factor: if you have a hairy dad, odds are you’ll be hairy yourself.

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Kim and Kanye spotted at Laser Hair Removal clinic

kim and kanyeReality TV star Kim Kardashian, who has admitted to having her entire body lasered, has now got her boyfriend Kanye West in on the action.

The two were seen entering a laser hair removal centre in Santa Monica, California earlier today, where Kim attends regularly. She says laser hair removal treatments are responsible for her flawless complexion.

It has not been revealed what treatments Kanye had however laser hair removal is a popular treatment for men.

Typical areas men have treated are;

  • Beard reshaping (lasering the neck and cheeks)
  • Chest hair removal
  • Back hair removal
  • Removing hair from hands and feet

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waxing vs laser

Waxing versus Laser Hair Removal

waxing vs laserSome people are still choosing dated methods for hair removal like waxing, without realising there have been great leaps forward in hair removal technology. Nd:YAG laser hair removal allows for safe, effective and long-lasting hair removal for all skin types.

The NHS uses the medical-grade Nd:YAG laser hair removal machine for hair removal for people suffering from PCOS and hirsuitism.


Waxing removes hair from the follicle using molten wax to physically pull the hairs out. 

This is a temporary hair removal solution with results typically lasting between 2 to 4 weeks, depending on your hair type and other factors.

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Cheap Mole Removal Warning

iStock 000008418948SmallSome back-room clinics have been offering cheap mole removal to unsuspecting patients, subjecting them to unsanitary conditions and potentially putting their health at risk.

People tempted by the low cost don’t realise that the techniques used are not medically sound and, most importantly, they don’t provide vitally important after care like Histopathology (study of tissue to check for irregularities)

The rooms these treatments take place in are often not kept clean and sterile instruments are not used so there is a significant risk of infection. 

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asymmetrical skin ageing

The shocking power of the sun

asymmetrical skin ageingThis striking photo shows us why you should wear sun screen every day!

Truck driver William McElligott had one side of his face bombarded by the sun for 28 years while the right side remained protected in the shade, resulting in the exposed side showing damaging signs of photoageing.

Children are at the highest risk of sun damage while outside without sun screen. Experts say the most sun damage is done to our skin before we reach 20 and you should wear sun screen every day.

Deep lines and wrinkles, sagging and un-even skin tone you see in the picture are all caused by UVA destroying the skin’s important support structures, elastin and collagen.

Drivers feel protected from the sun behind the glass of their windows as glass blocks UVB rays (which cause tanning) however they still let UVA rays pass through, which can destroy your skin’s support structures.

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5 Steps to Smooth Summer Skin

Summer is just around the corner, and will be upon us before we know it!
To help you prepare for your best summer yet we’ve put together the five steps to smoother, clearer looking skin.

1. Laser hair removal

If you’re planning on spending any time on a beach this summer you will want your legs looking their smoothest.
Using our medical grade Nd:YAG laser we can safely and effectively remove hair on any skin type. However, you’ll need to start your treatments soon as a course of 6-8 treatments is recommended for the best results!

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Who can you trust with laser hair removal?

With the rise of social-buying sites like Groupon and Living Social we’re all used to seeing Laser Hair Removal offered at rock-bottom prices, but BEWARE! Take the time to check who is offering the treatment and whether it will actually work! The service being offered is often ineffective and in the wrong hands dangerous!

How do they get away with it?

Salons and beauticians offering Laser Hair Removal will normally be using an IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) system. It is less powerful and not a medical grade laser so many people complain about unsatisfactory results, as well as a hole in their pocket.

As it is far less effective people end up having 15 or more treatments, with little to no hair reduction. To make matters worse it can also be dangerous for people with dark skin, often leaving them with loss of pigment, keloid scars and in severe cases infected blisters!

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Eczema triggers – a comprehensive list

Eczema is a common skin condition, affecting one in nine people in the UK. It is characterised by red, itchy skin which becomes dry and 

In severe cases eczema can become raw and even bleed. This can cause great discomfort and distress to the sufferer.cracked in appearance.

There are two main categories of eczema;

Atopic Eczema sufferers are simply prone to developing eczema due to their genetics. People with Atopic eczema are far more likely to have Asthma, Hayfever and Allergies as they share many of the same genetic markers.

Contact Dermatitis is caused by irritations and allergens coming into contact with the skin, which in turn can trigger eczema. There are many types of triggers and it is also dependant on how they come into contact with the individual.

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Are you a hairy chick?

Don’t feel the need to hide away this Easter! Miravue Skin Clinic offers Laser Hair Removal, clinically proven to be the best method for permanently reducing the appearance of unwanted hair.

If you have excessive unsightly hair in embarrassing places that you want removed, we can do that for you without breaking the bank.

With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to begin a course of treatments to get beach-ready and smoother skin.

The most effective clinical laser around

We use the only laser proven to work safely and effectively on all skin types and skin colours, the Nd:YAG laser. Other lasers can carry higher risks of burning and hyperpigmentation and do not guarantee effective results.

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If you find parts of your face are becoming darker than others, especially around the forehead, apples of the cheeks and jawline you most likely have hyper-pigmentation.

What is hyper-pigmentation?

Hyper-pigmentation describes any disorder where the melanocytes (Melanin pigment-producing cells in the skin) have become over-active and are producing too much pigment, causing a patchy or un-even appearance in skin tone.

It has been scientifically proven that un-even skin tone makes a person look much older and less attractive than they really are.

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The seven deadly signs of ageing

We think there are too many things that can make you appear older than you really are, so we put together a list of the seven most wicked signs of ageing; and how to fight back against them!

1. Un-even skin tone

With age pigment builds up in the layers of the skin, leaving the skin with a patchy and un-even appearance. This usually results from insufficient sun screen during early life but can have other causes such as fluctuating hormone levels.
Un-even skin tone is one of the biggest factors which will make someone look a lot older than they really are, regardless of wrinkles. This has in fact been proven in two scientific studies.

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Indian Bride

Flawless Wedding Day Skin

Indian Bride

 Makeup artists commonly struggle with brides who suffer from Acne, Scarring and Pigmentation relying on their expertise to conceal these skin issues to give them a flawless complexion.

If you want to dazzle on your wedding day you need to make sure your skin is at its best before you spend hundreds on a makeup artist!

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Why you should wear sun screen every day

The effect of the Sun’s rays is something that people in the UK are underestimating, at their peril!

Because the bad effects take a long time to materialise it is hard to see a direct relationship between sun exposure and bad skin. Much like seeing the link between smoking or drinking too much and chronic disease.

Most of the damage caused by UV exposure happens before we are 20 and the full extent of the damage can take up to 30 years to become evident. This is why it is vitally important to protect your children’s skin from the sun, and your own.

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Top 10 Laser Hair Removal Myths

Laser hair removal has become very common over the years, with everyone rushing to start up a “clinic” in the back of their salon. Due to these under-qualified laser practitioners using unsafe laser systems or systems that just don’t work, there are many myths and urban legends surrounding laser hair removal.

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Laser hair removal in Southall and Ealing

We offer ND:YAG medical-grade laser hair removal, the safest and most effective type of laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is available in all of our skin clinics: located in South Ealing and in Southall check our Contact Page for a full address and map. Check out our current Offers, Treatments and Skin Conditions. Our doctors, nurses and technicians are highly qualified and have been successfully treating in Southall and Ealing for over 20 years! Miravue Skin Clinic’s Dermatology team are dedicated to rejuvenating your skin to its natural radiance, improving your appearance and giving you confidence. We only use the latest technology and highly tested techniques and all of our products have been clinically approved. Types of Lasers There are three main types of lasers used for hair removal; […]

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Evening Standard – Life beyond the Knife

15 June 2011 Columnist Liz Hogard discusses the alternatives to having a surgical facelift. She visits Dr Fredric Brandt, dermatologist to the stars (Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Marc Jacobs) for a consultation and discusses latest advances in non-surgical solutions. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/health/article-23960888-life-beyond-the-knife.do

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