The average adult has up to 40 moles. Most of these are harmless, but if you are unhappy about their appearance Miravue can help. Our team of highly experienced experts will advise you on the best course of action. While the NHS wont remove your moles for cosmetic reasons, we will offer you a cheap yet highly effective treatment which will leave you free of those unwanted blemishes in no time.
What does mole removal surgery involve?
Depending on the size of the mole, our experts will either advise you to have the mole destroyed through the use of an electric current or removed through a small surgical excision. Both procedures are quick and straightforward and will not require an overnight stay. They are usually carried out under local anaesthetic.
Who are we?
Miravue skin clinic is made up of a team of highly regarded experts with many years of experience in dermatology. You will be in safe hands at any stage of your treatment and be made to feel very much cared for and well looked after from the moment you step into our clinic.