Skin Peel

What is a skin peel?
The natural rate of exfoliation reduces with age, causing build up of dry, dull skin flakes. Skin or chemical peels accelerate this process using chemical agents. Chemical peels promote growth of new skin, collagen and elastin. This treatment thickens the skin which enhances resistance to the effects of ageing.
Chemical peel treatments are effective for the following skin conditions:
- Dull lifeless skin
- Ageing skin
- Sun damaged skin
- Irregular pigmentation
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Active acne
How do skin peels work?
The dermis (middle layer) of the skin is penetrated by the type of chemical agent. This stimulates fibroblasts deep within the skin, which produce new collagen and elastin fibres. These are essential proteins which play an important role in the structure of the skin. The skin cell turnover is increased by resurfacing, resulting in an improvement of texture and skin tone. The face is left looking fresher, smoother and youthful in appearance. Chemical peels are suitable for all skin types (fair to dark skin).
Which chemical peel treatments do you offer?
There are several types of chemical peels available at our clinic and each of them is more effective for different problems. Chemical peels can be either superficial or deep, depending on concentrations and how intense a treatment is required. Choosing the correct chemical peel is very important and a skin analysis is always carried out. Our experienced team lead by dermatologists will advise on which of the following would be most suitable for your needs:
Jessner Peel
Named after the German born Dermatologist Dr Max Jessner, this is a light cosmetic peel that is suitable for all skin types. The Jessner peel is a combination of Salicylic acid, Lactic acid and Resorcinol, which offers a deep penetration to really exfoliate the outer skin layers. This peel stimulates the deeper dermis level of the skin and causes new fibroblasts and collagen to develop, puffing out lines and wrinkles caused by ageing. It is also used to treat sun damaged skin, hyperpigmentation (melasma) and contributes to the healing of acne.
Salicylic Acid Peel
This superior exfoliater is used in a variety of cosmetic applications and a common ingredient in acne treatment. Salicylic acid is a synthetically made beta hydroxyl acid and its primary use is to treat acne. This is a mild to medium peel that has anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic properties. It works by penetrating sebum-filled follicles and cleans out clogged pores as it is oil-soluble. This makes it a very effective oil reducer and pore cleanser and also improves appearance of ageing, sun damaged skin without irritation.
Mandelic Acid Peel
This alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) is named after the german word for almond (Mandel). Mandelic acid is derived from the hydrolysis of an extract of bitter almonds. This peel is usually recommended for those with sensitive skin and darker skins. This works as an antibacterial and as a mild exfoliant, stimulating collagen synthesis and new cell generation. It is useful in suppressing pigmentation as it has a lightening action. It is also used to treat noncystic acne and rejuvenating photoaged skin.
Pyruvic Acid Peel
Pyruvic acid is found naturally in honey, apples, fermented fruit and vinegar. This peel is known to penetrate rapidly and deeply through the skin, stimulating collagen, elastin and dermal glycoprotein synthesis. It is a proven treatment for many dermatological conditions such as acne, superficial scarring, photoaging and pigmentary disorders.
Light TCA Peel
TCA (Trichloroacetic acid) is used in a range of concentrations depending on deep the peel is required. This peel is used to remove damaged upper layers of the skin. It is a very effective treatment for ageing skin conditions as it can eliminate superficial wrinkles, improve overall skin texture and as well as hyperpigmentation.
Resorcinol Peel
Resorcinol is used extensively for medical purposes as antiseptic but also in ointments in the treatment of chronic skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. It is very effective in the treatment of acne as Resorcinol helps breakdown hard, rough skin, which means it is good at breaking down existing blackheads and whiteheads.
Are skin peels painful?
This is dependent on how deep the peel is. Light or superficial peels tend to be painless but can be uncomfortable, and you may experience a slight stinging sensation. Medium peels tend to be more uncomfortable and you may experience increased stinging sensation for a few minutes until the peel is neutralized (cleared by water). Deep peels usually require anaesthesia.
How long does a skin peel last and how many will I need?
The average procedure takes approximately 40 minutes and most clients see an improvement after their first treatment. The amount of treatments required depends on the condition of the skin and the strength of the peel. Light or superficial peels usually require a course of around 6 treatments, whereas deep peels may only be required just the once.
Our expert team lead by dermatologists will advise on the best skin peel to suit you skin requirements and to achieve the results you want.
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