
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a long-lasting skin condition, which can return at any point. Sufferers can experience mild outbreaks, where they may not even be aware of it, or to very severe cases. It has been known to become life threatening. Severe psoriasis sufferers can become withdrawn, don’t socialise or don’t form relationships due to the appearance of their skin.
There are 2 main types: psoriasis vulgaris and psoriasis pustulosa. The different types can be further classified depending on the severity, location and the appearance of lesions.
What causes Psoriasis?
The occurrence is down to rapid skin cell regeneration. Normally, it takes a cycle of 28 days for new skin cells to separate from the healthy tissue and reach the surface of the skin. With psoriasis sufferers it takes just 2 to 6 days. The reasons of why this happens are not clear, but it is suggested that the immune system plays a part in the disease.
The condition runs in families and the tendency to contract psoriasis is stored in a person’s genes. This genetic disposition can be triggered by exposure to stimuli such as damage to skin, resulting in an outbreak.
What are the symptoms of Psoriasis?
The following are the common symptoms for the psoriasis vulgaris, which is the most common form of psoriasis:
- Red spots/patches
- Scaly appearance
- Red itchy plaques
Psoriasis pustulosa is a rare form, which is very severe. Not only does it produce the usual lesions but also forms pustules or blisters on the skin containing fluid.
How common is Psoriasis?
Approximately 2% of the UK population is affected by Psoriasis. The common age range it affects is from 11 years to 50 years old.
How can I treat my Psoriasis?
We have leading dermatologists who have experience in treating psoriasis sufferers successfully. They will collaborate with you to devise a treatment programme to help your condition. An initial consultation will allow the dermatologist to assess the nature of your psoriasis to advise you on a course of either topical or systemic treatments or both.
Recommended treatments:
- Topical prescription medicines
- Systemic prescription medicines
- Lifestyle changes