Warts & Skin Tags

What is a Wart?
Most people will suffer from warts within their lifetime. Research has shown that 4-5% of adolescents and adults have warts. Although warts are common in both males and females, they are likely to affect individuals with weak immune systems.
Warts usually occur as a result of a viral infection known as human papilloma virus (HPV). This triggers the hard protein in the top layer of the skin to grow too much thus creating the hard, rough texture.
There are various types of warts and the most common include:
- common warts
- plantar warts (verrucas)
- plane warts
- filiform warts
- periungual warts
- mosaic warts
- genital warts
Where are warts found?
Warts are small rough textured benign lumps, which often appear on hands or feet. Their appearance can differ depending on the location of the wart and the thickness of the skin. An example of this can be seen in the comparison of a planter wart (verruca) and a common wart, where the latter can be raised and rough, and a verruca is likely to be tougher, flaky and dry.
What is a Skin Tag?
Skin tags, also known as archochordon, occur in almost half the population and two thirds of people are likely to develop them by the age of 70. Skin tags are benign skin growths, which are harmless and appear as small soft bits of hanging skin. They can range in size from 2mm to a 1cm.
Where are skin tags found?
Skin tags are usually found typically where the skin folds i.e. neck, axilla, groin, eyelids and breasts. These are friction locations where the skin rubs with skin or clothing. They usually arise in adulthood, although children can develop them too. Tags are usually more common in overweight people since they readily arise in areas of friction. Formation of skin tags can be due to increased hormone levels; therefore they are quite frequent in pregnant women.
How are skin tags treated?
Skin tags do not pose any problems medically and are harmless, but many people who have them prefer to remove them for cosmetic reasons.
Depending on the location of a wart, it can be very painful and distressing causing discomfort and embarrassment. There are several methods of treating warts including over-the-counter treatments, which aren’t always recommended as healthy skin can be destroyed along with the wart.
Miravue dermatologists provide medical expertise and care whilst carrying out effective treatments.
Recommended Treatments:
- {tip The application of liquid nitrogen is aimed to freeze the cells. After this treatment, a sore blister appears which then falls off by itself in the following days}Cryotherapy{/tip}
- {tip Products that are applied to the surface of the skin.}Topical Products{/tip}
- {tip removal of the wart with hyfrecation }Surgery{/tip}
- {tip DCP which needs to be applied every 2 weeks until the wart has resolved. This is applied to the wart to once again kill the cells. }Chemical treatments{/tip}
- Laser Treatment