Sun Damage

Our environment has a significant impact on skin ageing. Your skin is how most people determine who looks older or younger than their biological age. One of the main external factors that can age the skin is overexposure to the sun. The pursuit for the perfect sun tan can often result in a number of skin problems.
Photo-aging is when the skin becomes damaged by UV from chronic or overexposure to the sun. Sun-damaged skin becomes photo-aged from a decrease in collagen and other dermal proteins. This gradual process results in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, which can then lead to the formation of deep wrinkles and furrows. Over exposure to the sun leads to pigmentation changes in the skin such as age spots, uneven skin tone, spider veins and dilated capillaries.
Treatment for sun damage
Help is at hand at Miravue with a range of treatments designed to combat the effects of sun damage. With a choice of skin fillers and skin peels to smooth out those facial lines and laser treatments for sunspots and pigmentation, our expert team lead by dermatologists can provide you with a skin solution using a combination of treatments.
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