Tracey Chard

One of the UK’s most recognised and respected Laser Therapists, Tracey Chard is responsible for the training of Doctors, Nurses and Technicians in Private and NHS Hospital and clinics in the use of medical grade lasers, including the Nd:YAG.

Her high level of experience in Laser Hair Removal means she has treated many clients suffering with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), Hirsutism (male pattern growth) and folliculitis (ingrown hair).

Her expertise lies in the use of all the latest types of lasers, which she uses to treat conditions like Acne, thread veins, tattoo removal using the Ruby laser and other skin rejuvenation treatments.

Her career began in the Aesthetics industry in 1995, specialising in Laser therapy in 1998. Since then she has worked with many of the leading skincare brands and cosmetic doctors in the UK, developing an intimate knowledge of aesthetics. 

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